Friday, April 18, 2014


Learn to one point perspective view by using grid method

Free hand drawing from the grid line

Sketch rendering, create a horrific effect to the house

This is the first time I try to use marker in rendering interior, but it seems like I did too much shinning effect

The last assignment of this subject, with time rushing and tiredness, didn't did a good work in this task 


Easy assignment but takes time on drawing the circle part

The lowest marks I get in this subject due to the laziness to draw in all the detail stuff


In this assignment we have learn how to label the measurement and how to draw top, front and side elevation of an object
In this assignment we have leant to draw a layout plan of a studio

In this assignment we have to draw floor plan of a selected house, really takes time to finish this assignment and we have learn many architecture symbol in this assignment
And here's come with the roof plan of the selected house 

Have draw wrong symbol in this assignment... marks was deducted
In this assignment we have learn to draw the section of the selected house

This is the another section cut of the selected building
This is the front elevation of the selected house

The side elevation of the selected building


The first homework, easy work but takes time

In class assignment- a graphic design by using words only, this is all about me